- Are you current domains or those you are interested in purchasing optimized?
- Visit the domain name and look at the relevancy of the related terms. If these are unoptimized you could be losing as much as 30%.
- Do you currently park your domains or are the domains you are purchasing parked elsewhere?
- By simply testing your domains at another parking provider or moving purchased domains to your current provider you could earn 10-30% more.
- Do you or the person you are buying the domains from currently pay a domain management fee?
- By simply testing your domains at another parking provider or moving purchased domains to your current provider you could save anywhere from 5-30% .
- Are there better opportunities elsewhere?
- popular gTLDs such as .com are notoriously expensive, if you are on a budget or if English is not your first language your local ccTLD (country code domain) or ngTLDs may be a better option.
Ready to start monetizing your domain names? Register with BODIS to maximize your domain revenues.